Friday, June 25, 2010

Goodbye to an old friend

Pleasant Ridge Elementary School said goodbye to its last batch of Roadrunners this year.
After 50 years of operation, the need for budget cuts was too great to keep PR afloat. It makes me sad.
Three years ago Pleasant Ridge was facing closure. I sent a letter to Mrs. Rooney (Gallager) to share my feelings at the time. Here's some of what I wrote:

....My mother just mentioned the possibility of P.R. closing in the next year. I am saddened to think of our beloved Pleasant Ridge closed. It holds many fond childhood memories for my family and me. All of my five siblings, from Trevor (who will be 39 this year) down to Adam ( who is 28), attended Pleasant Ridge. We all have so many experiences there that are part of our personal histories. It is the place that helped make us what we are.

I have many memories from my own time there, and in the subsequent years when I would visit my mother. If I close my eyes I can visualize opening one of the the heavy double doors that led to the office.The hot outside air would mix with the distinct air from inside the main building. I used to soak in the change of temperature in the cool, dark foyer. I loved looking at the bulletin board to see which students had artwork displayed. Before lunch, the office would smell of hot lunches. There was always a loving and familiar face to greet me: Gayla, Mrs. Fowler, or any of the teachers passing through. I guess that is one of the hardest parts in the prospect of Pleasant Ridge closing. The staff has changed a little, but has always been outstanding and a constant source of support.

Visiting there has always brought a feeling of returning home. That is the benefit to growing up in a small community. We tend to have familiar faces in familiar places doing familiar activities. I loved making acorn bread on Pioneer Day, or enjoying the end of the year assembly on the outside stage, or having the Fun Day BBQ in the front - down near the fence.We even had a hot air balloon launch from the soccer field. I cannot imagine how much time was spent outside on the playground. I know the crunching sound and feel of the gravel, from hopping off a swing. I know the feel of the bars in the jungle gym. I know how hot the pavement gets in the spring when we would play four square. These are memories that have lasting effects. I felt like I could be anyone and do anything. I was inspired by the atmosphere created for me.
As an adult, I realize that these places of safety and freedom for a child are rare. I know that I am not the only student of Pleasant Ridge to feel this way. I want Pleasant Ridge to last longer. There are more years of imagination to spark and of dreams to fulfill in that very special place. I wish I had children to send to Pleasant Ridge, but I do not. I know that there are many parents in the community who do. Please allow them the time and opportunity to try to save their school. Pleasant Ridge is worth the effort.

I know that my little letter wasn't the reason it stayed open, but it still felt good to write it. I am so grateful that the local kids had a few more years of Pleasant Ridge magic. More than anything, I want to say thank you to the fantastic faculty through the years. It's amazing how little things changed. Thanks for the memories -you terrific old school.

Trev's kindergarten teacher Mrs. Byerly, Mrs.Tucker, Mom, and Cindy Tucker

Mr. McVicker, Mr. Smart, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Hale

Mr. Reynolds and Mr.Butler

Patti Evers, Mrs. Hunt, Pete, Mom, Mrs. MacTaggart, Al, (and a lady I don't know)

The sweet janitors Pete and Al

The old stage now

and then... (Laura or Lissy getting an award)

Mom, Curtis, Lissy, & Adam 10 years (or more) ago

It is fitting that Pleasant Ridge is closing because I cannot imagine it without my mom. After 27 years, Mrs Sanders is retiring. Mom is an integral part of PR. She was never scary or stern. She is quick to laugh and smile, yet she still was clearly there to teach and help kids. Students respected and loved her. She has been the recipient of many hugs followed by, "You are my favorite teacher."
Mom, you're my favorite teacher too.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


On my overnight in San Diego last week, I finally went to tour the USS Midway aircraft carrier. It was in service from 1945-1992.
It was pretty awesome afternoon with my crew.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Oh, Mexico

It sounds so simple I just got to go
The sun's so hot I forgot to go home
Guess I'll have to go now
-James Taylor

I had a fantastic week in Cancun, Mexico with my friends Liz and Kristine. We stayed at a Westin. Not too shabby of a view from our room, eh?

swimming in a cenote

Chichen Itza and Ek Balam

Good times