Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kjell's Luau

Kjelly had his birthday bash Palmer style. It was awesome. We enjoyed fantastic food, sweet decorations and cakes, fun games, gorgeous weather, and lots of family togetherness. Darcie and Ad went all out. Thank you for the memorable spring day.

Kjell really liked his cake ( until he realized a crowd was watching him.)

His Daddy made sure he was hydrated with all that sunshine. (Isn't he handsome?! Look at those eyes.)

The bounce house was a thrill....

Our whole Sanders clan celebrated with Kjell. It was also nice to be together because Clara had a birthday the week before. Family galore! I am the world's luckiest aunt. Check out my nieces and nephews.

The originals.

Carson being silly.(The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...)

Noah exploring and telling me something.

Summer exploring.

Clara Jane is on the move, but still loves being near her mommy. Josh's hat could make her look like a thug, but that smile of hers is all sweetness and light.

The cousins played so well together.


laura kate said...

What fun pictures! It was a great day thanks for documenting it for us.

darcie said...

awesome pictures beck! thanks for the billion things you did.

Adam said...

those are great, thanks beck! you are such a good aunt to all of the nieces and nephews.

Peg said...

wasn't it fun? terrific docu-pictures and warm memories. thanks!!

Lissy Sarvela said...

WOW Beckster...what a great tribute to a great day. We are so blessed to have you in our family! You capture all the fun. And bring tons of fun yourself. It was wonderful having you in town so much! We all LOVE you.

The Lanyons said...

LOVE the family pic! I miss you guys!