Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I get paid to do this?!

Who needs vacation, with a job like mine?
I had an eight hour day on the plane, yet I was still able to spend the day in Seattle. Crazy, huh? The beauty of coming from the east is the arrival time in the west. I couldn't let a 5 a.m. lobby time (central) spoil my sunny and warm day in Seattle. I set off on public transportation at 1:00 pm. and was on the waterfront by 2:00. Writing this, I am sitting in my hotel, amazed by the ease of my travels and the beauty of the city.
Today was a glorious day.
Since the weather was in the mid 80's, it seemed as though all the inhabitants of the city were outside enjoying the sunshine. I was just another partaker.
I may to need preface that food is a favorite part of enjoying a destination. :)
First, I had passionfruit gelato as I walked to Pike Street Market. Along the way, I made a detour into KuKuRuZa, a gourmet popcorn store. I enjoyed talking to this nice girl employee.
(who is in this picture)
As I was paying for some popcorn, the really hot manager/owner/diligent worker interjected and asked if I lived in Seattle. After I answered no, he smiled and said,
" Too bad. You seem like fun."
I would move to Seattle for you! ( Or for men like you.)
Is that how it happens for people? A friendly conversation on a sunny day turns into a possible date?
Whatever it is, I like it.

Once in the market, I bought (and ate) a basket of cherry tomatoes.....

I then walked along the waterfront to Ivar's for some delicious fish and chips. Just recently, they found a sign in the ocean that advertised Ivar's clam chowder for 75 cents.
Ivar's is currently honoring that original price. (I took one to go.)

After my progressive lunch, I decided to work off some calories shopping.
No pictures. (No evidence.)

I headed back to the hotel on the bus with all the local commuters. It was still daylight, so I took this picture out my hotel window:

Dinner of Champions:

I couldn't have asked for a better day.
I am blessed and lucky to have a job I love, while interacting with wonderful people and exploring lovely cities.


Mark said...

Seattle is truly a beautiful city and great place to walk and explore. I sure do miss Ivar's and $.75 chowder...sign me up! Was fun reading about your day. 80 in the Emerald city?? NICE!

Paige said...

Oh Becky, I am so happy for you. Not many people, especially theese days, can say that they honestly love their job and mean it. You truly have an amazing life. I was hoping that there was more to the story of the cute popcorn manager though. :) You are such a wonderful person, I can't wait to meet the guy who finally catches you! Miss you tons~

SarahCeleste said...

I love love love Seattle! What a great day. Thanks for sharing. You are awesome!

PJ Evers said...

So did you get to see the fish guys at Pike's throw the fish? When I visited Seattle I had salmon EVERY night! Keep up the roaming reports and pictures!

Lissy Sarvela said...

WOW...what a blog! I was literally laughing out loud here on the couch. My favorite was the hot guy tidbit. What I really want to know is WHY there wasn't a picture of HIM? And can you blame the guy? This gorgeous redhead stumbles into his place of business, exudes a little of her classic charm, and then breezes out as quickly as she came in....poor guy!! Really, I loved the posting. You painted a beautiful picture ANYONE would want to be a part of. Thanks for sharing.

darcie said...

oh how fun. i love how the hot guy could have been the diligent garbage boy but you gave him a shot at manager. how about owner?