Saturday, January 1, 2011

I've got skills, well kind of.

Not yet.
( Maybe by next year.)
I thought I'd share some of my goals in the hopes of making myself accountable.
I am excited to start a few of these:

* Cooking *
I'd like to prepare more real meals for myself. As much as I love celery and hummus, a proper meal, it isn't. I hope to make a balanced meal once a week. I am looking forward to trying recipes that look delicious. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. I am expecting to share my successes (and failures) with you on here as the year progresses. :)

I wish I had the time to take a weekly class with a couple of my friends. I don't. I hope to find friends to help teach me, or maybe I can learn through a book or something. At least I will start out by trial and error. My lovely little sewing machine from a couple Christmases ago has not seen as much use as I would have liked. I am eager to create new and alter existing items in my closet.

I adore my camera, but I haven't learned how to really use it. An instructional book from L&J has been great to help me understand it a bit more. I hope to put my knowledge into use. Along those same lines, I have Photoshop, and I haven't utilized it. I really want to take great pictures and make them amazing. My photographs from travels around the world and of my family are some of my most treasured possessions. I need to finish them properly.

This isn't all I am working on, but I think that is enough sharing for now.
Hopefully I'll update with proof of projects soon.


laura kate said...

Sweet. Three goals I can benefit from...let's get crackin'.

Paige said...

Sounds like great goals that you can totally do! Funny, I have those all on my list as well! :) I am totally looking forward to recipes that you find and like. I have a bunch that if you are cooking for a group, I would love to share with you. (I don't know how to cook for one!) Love you and miss you!

RC Cola said...

love the new blog picture. it is about time you showed the world all the places you have been.

Lissy Sarvela said...

I love these fun ideas and you can come out and practice and hone them with me anytime you want!!!

Tammy said...

I want to learn to sew too! After you learn, will you please teach me?? :) I would be happy to share tons of recipes with you. Just let me know what kind you're looking for and I'll hook you up with our faves.

Rachelle said...

Funny that those are all on my list of things to improve in the coming year. You should come out to AZ for a Blue Lily photo workshop...I hear they are amazing.
Miss you! And hope all is well!

Unknown said...

Your pictures are SO LOVELY already!:)