Monday, October 18, 2010

Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah, Zip-a-Dee-Ay

"My, oh my! What a wonderful day! "

Disneyland still is a magical place.
One would think after all this time Walt Disney's dream would be tarnished and faded with the increase of commercialism, crowds, and cost. Yes, all those factors are present, but there is an underlying theme of magic that still comes to the surface. This joy and happiness is reflected in the faces of street sweepers, performers, ride operators, and children.

Our littles were no exception:

We were thrilled to have a Jedi-in-training in our family. Thank heavens Carson was there to save us from Darth Vader:

We've grown large enough to warrant an official family reunion - cool matching T-shirt included. We have one opening for a tall, dark, and handsome male - size L.

We didn't have plenty of sunshine but that didn't deter us from fun at the beach. Everything was satisfactual:

Wonderful feeling.Wonderful Day!


Lissy Sarvela said... the post. It was SO stinking fun. And yes, we are excited to see what handsome man comes to fill up that large t-shirt waiting for him! Thanks for all you did to make it a wonderful trip, Beck! You are like the little pixie spreading fairy dust everywhere you go. we all LOVE you!

RC Cola said...

So fun, love your family!

Peg said...

Wonderful feelin', wonderful day. -two days. Fun, fabulous, sweet, and surprisingly easy. Your adorable and clever blog is a perfect reflection.

Paige said...

Yeah! What a fun place to have a family reunion! Glad to hear and see that you all had a wonderful time.

PJ Evers said...

And again, Beck - WONDERFUL pictures, WONDERFUL adventure, WONDERFUL commentary, WONDERFUL place, and one big ol' WONDERFUL family!
We love you Sanders! Thanks for blogging it for us!

Unknown said...

I love the Sanders! What a fun trip! I was sad to miss those who stopped at my mom's for the time. Better yet, maybe the Leavitt's will just hijack the next Sanders Disneyland adventure.;)