This from the Orlando Examiner:
Southwest Airlines is in cahoots with Sports Illustrated to promote the 46th edition of the notorious swimsuit issue-with a bikini plane.
Now, before you go reminiscing back to all those flights you took on Hooters Air, just simmer down. The Southwest Airlines charter will have regular-variety flight attendants slinging regular Southwest Airlines peanuts. And chances are, once word gets out that positions need to be filled on a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue plane, those positions will go to very senior, experienced, mature (do you see where I'm going with this?) flight attendants.
(Or not. I was on this plane less than a week after the new decor. Should I be offended?)
The Southwest Boeing 737 will be painted with the heavenly body of Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Bar Rafaeli.The Bikini Boeing will fly VIPs from New York's LaGuardia to Las Vegas for an extravaganza at the Luxor resort. The aircraft will remain in service with its sexy skin through April.
So after this airplane's illustrious beginning, I was able to work on it. I felt a little badly for the passengers to have me onboard and not Bar. At least no one made a comment about my bikini (or lack thereof.) It was business as usual, except for the rampers who would take pictures outside in every city we went. Who can blame them? I took my own pictures.
Ironically, one of my earliest posts was of my desire for work to return a bit to its roots. I guess I should be careful what I wish for. Who knew anyone was listening?
EVANGELINE LILLY ON HAVING FAITH: ''You're either along for the ride and part of it, or you're not. And if you don't trust the writers, you might as well get off the boat.''