Sunday, November 23, 2008

My first foray in the kitchen

I feel almost like a grown up. Last Sunday, I cooked my first turkey and made my first batch of mashed potatoes. We still had leftover turkey that I picked from the carcass (Eeww.) I couldn't let all this food go to waste, so I decided to make soup. I felt like my mom.
I made a chili with the dark turkey and a broth based rice soup for the white meat. I must say they both were so good. I have never made homemade soup. Ever. I just used what was in my fridge and cupboard. (Since it was Sunday, I couldn't go to the store.) My soups were quick and easy to prepare. I am amazed. I feel like a just passed a little milestone.
I know many of you are married and fix real meals all the time, but my life is a bit different. I rarely prepare a full meal for myself. I enjoy hummus and celery, jasmine rice and curry sauce, and edamame. Those are my staples. Most Sundays I collaborate with my friends to make a combined dinner.
Now I feel like when the time comes for me to plan meals, I can do it. It isn't going to be too hard. I think I'll even enjoy it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

SA anyone?

(insert Pachelbel, Canon in D here.....)
My name is Rebecca and I am a shopaholic.
Well, kind of. I don't spend thousands of dollars. I am rather thrifty at heart. I love a good deal. Herein lies my problem.
My goal was to work more to send more to the good people at VISA. I worked more but some of the extra money has made its way into the hands of Daffy, the Gap, Banana Republic, and Anthropologie. These darn retailers are trying to boost revenue by creating tons of sales. I am a sucker and have fallen for them. (That's only been the last two weeks. It's either feast of famine with me.)
Yeah, I know. It's not good.
Since New Years is on the horizon, I am pledging to be a new woman. I will follow any twelve step program out there. Anyone want to be my sponsor?
Hey, at least I'll look really cute at the SA meetings ;)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Not even a little reality in this TV

So... some friends and I have made jokes about "T.V. boyfriends." I promise we are not crazy or desperate. Mainly, we like the characters they portray on television. Yeah, it doesn't hurt that that these guys are easy on the eyes too.
Here are my favorites.
Jim from The Office, Chuck from Chuck, and Booth from Bones.
So what do you think? ( I know we're not the only ones who think this.....)
Who are your faves?
Oh dang. I just remembered Jack from Lost. That show isn't on right now, but I certainly wouldn't mind being stuck on an island with him

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I think it's kind of funny that I like to put a lot of pictures in a blog instead of writing. I guess that I am making it easy for someone with a short attention span ( a la US weekly. )

Here are my current thoughts:
* Many people are overjoyed at the election results. I am happy they are happy. I hope all this talk of change really does create change and not blame.
* I love that it was historic night for our nation.
* I am getting used to change of my own in my home. Tara, Marisa, and Teresa are all gone. I am in a different room. Things are good, just different. I am thinking about a tribute blog entry. We'll see...

*Oh - here's a shout out to Heather: Happy Birthday!

(Heather's B-day 2005) (Heather's B-day 2007)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Kids Galore!

I just returned from a couple days visit to Utah. My favorite part of every visit is whenI get to play with all my little munchkins. I am bummed that I missed Kjell.

Laura, Noah, Clara carved a pumpkin. Obviously, Clara loved it. Maybe Lo should puree some squash up. I think she would like it.

I spent an afternoon with Carson and Summer. The weather was perfect to have some fun times at the park. Curt and Tami have some seriously adventurous kids! There is no question to whom these two belong.

Flashback or Flashdance?

These were from an 80's karaoke party in September. It wasn't a dress up party, but we couldn't resist.
The CRAZIEST part was that Amanda and Tara's outfits all came from Wal-mart. EVERYTHING that we wore when we were 11, can be found in stores today.
Want a stack of jelly bracelets?
How about colored tights? Yep.
Leg warmers? Done.
You name it: bangles, jangles, polka-dots, spandex, stirrup pants, leggings, and scrunchies are all available.
I also bought a complete outfit, but I ended up putting together this gem (or do I mean Jem?) from my own closet. (Okay, the t-shirt was purchased....) The last picture is here to show you my sweet makeup. Go ahead and enlarge it. Orange and Teal.