Wednesday, November 19, 2008

SA anyone?

(insert Pachelbel, Canon in D here.....)
My name is Rebecca and I am a shopaholic.
Well, kind of. I don't spend thousands of dollars. I am rather thrifty at heart. I love a good deal. Herein lies my problem.
My goal was to work more to send more to the good people at VISA. I worked more but some of the extra money has made its way into the hands of Daffy, the Gap, Banana Republic, and Anthropologie. These darn retailers are trying to boost revenue by creating tons of sales. I am a sucker and have fallen for them. (That's only been the last two weeks. It's either feast of famine with me.)
Yeah, I know. It's not good.
Since New Years is on the horizon, I am pledging to be a new woman. I will follow any twelve step program out there. Anyone want to be my sponsor?
Hey, at least I'll look really cute at the SA meetings ;)


Lissy Sarvela said... make me laugh. And, as you your former partner in crime, it strikes a familiar chord. Being newly married has cured me, so I can now safely volunteer myself as your official sponsor. :)

Paige said...

Beck- I love you more than words are possible. I don't think that I even knew that you could erase your comments funny girl! What I said was that I wish that we could go shopping together. I was remembering the weekend a few years back when Myra and I came to visit you, Laura and Cindy. We had so much fun. I miss hanging out with the girls, I have no friends here to do things with. I love all your pictures on the blog. You are the Fashion Queen. And, since the Sanders clan is going to all be together this year, you had better come by and sing for us. That is one of our highlights on Christmas Eve! I love you girl!

Rachelle said...

As always, I think you you are so dang cute! I would love to volunteer to be your sponsor, but I have to admit the same "addiction" to bargain shopping and even at those same sorts of stores so we would only be bad for eachother, but we would have a ton of fun "saving" money together that's for sure. I miss you Beck!
Love you always, Rachelle

Tammy said...

Maybe you could come and help me spend some of my money. I need serious help and you are a girl with style! I have zero style and zero fashion sense. I'm currently wearing an old sweatshirt from a guy I dated in college (don't tell my husband). And I only have about 3 things in my closet that even fit. I truly need a fashion make-over. I just continue to wear the stuff I bought in the 80's hoping it will come back in style soon.